
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Met :: essays research papers

HICQUITAS Hey..SorryMy computing machine keeps freezing on me and then shuts off, its so stupidNIKNSTYN99 heheheNIKNSTYN99 sounds desire exploit when its sickCHICQUITAS Yeah...Well mine must always be sick then.NIKNSTYN99 hheheNIKNSTYN99 how untold fun did you maintain on friCHICQUITAS Tons of fun...Id go back in an instantCHICQUITAS Im glad you talked me into going...Not in the bad wayNIKNSTYN99 see-D i knew it. NIKNSTYN99 its re all in ally a play to just goof off NIKNSTYN99 thats wherefore i interchangeable itNIKNSTYN99 i think everyone had funCHICQUITAS I Know, merely still I think that I wouldnt really standardised the larger clubs like excite or maybe it is excell where people are all rolling and crap...I dont like crowds, so.yeah I think everyone had fun too, exclusively I thought Jami and Kyle were a little quiet towards the end or middle NIKNSTYN99 yeah i chouse, they got boring. i wanted everyone to constantly have fun and stuff plainly they were sometimes kil ling it, but not bad. CHICQUITAS No not at all...atleast they didnt kill everyone though that is what countsNIKNSTYN99 i am sore right now from all thatNIKNSTYN99 yeahCHICQUITAS I manage I thought I was just out of shape or something...and I was with Rich yesterday and we both agreed we kinda matte up like crap yesterday like run down and achey and like light headedNIKNSTYN99 dang i was just sore not all thatNIKNSTYN99 hey cogitate whatCHICQUITAS I dont know what it was.. what?NIKNSTYN99 someone left me some kind of know song on my voice mail last nite and i dont know who it was.CHICQUITAS ReallyWell, was it sung by a person or like soemone famous?NIKNSTYN99 it was kind of an old song i think. i dont know, but i think i heard jami and kyle in the background for like a second.....but i called them and they said they didnt and i told jame ill ring her neck opening if i found out it was you.CHICQUITAS It probably was...That was my first guess that it would be them...it seems like they do things like that to youNIKNSTYN99 yeah those little shitsCHICQUITAS LoLNIKNSTYN99 they like to crapper with my emotionsNIKNSTYN99 to me thats lowCHICQUITAS I know, it isHeyI have a questionNIKNSTYN99 jami was like......maybe it was julieCHICQUITAS Do you ski or snowboard?NIKNSTYN99 whatNIKNSTYN99 never haveCHICQUITAS Really Does kyle or Jamie?NIKNSTYN99 i dont knowCHICQUITAS She would do that just to make you think it was Julie though...CHICQUITAS Oh.

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